Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ubuntu 12.04

Yesterday I bought a laptop.  It came with Windows 7 Starter Edition, which is a really limited version of Windows 7, I couldn't even change the background of my desktop.  I was already planning on putting Ubuntu on the laptop, but I wasn't sure if I was going to dual-boot (run 2 operating systems for those who are not geeks) or remove Windows completely and put Ubuntu only on the system.

Well, when I saw that the supplier had installed Windows 7 Starter without giving me the option of any other Operating System, but also partitioned (separated) the hard drive into 2 parts (one for the OS and one for Data - I hate that).  I decided I was going to run Ubuntu exclusively.

I downloaded the install and a little application to turn my flash drive (pen stick) into an install disk.  Plugged it into my laptop and presto, the PC picked it up and asked me how I wanted to proceed.

I chose the option of completely removing Windows, and the partitions on my hard drive, then I just filled in my information, hit the continue button a few times and within 20 minutes I had a fully functioning Ubuntu notebook.

Setting up my 3G Internet connection was even simpler than it was on Windows.  I didn't have to install any software.  I just plugged in the 3G stick, clicked on the connect option and off I went.

What is more, is that Ubuntu is completely free, and there is so much free software so easily available.  This strongly appeals to my rebel side because I am against any organization which makes me feel as though I have no other option but to buy their product.  I like options.

So go to the Ubuntu website:


Take the tour, and perhaps consider it the next time you buy a PC.  I strongly recommend.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


Jane Eyre is by far one of my favourite novels.  Set around 1840 (soon after the Jane Austin novels) a person can already see the difference between the generations.

Jane Eyre is an orphan who was first being raised by an Aunt through marriage.  She was ill-treated in the house and often beaten by her cousin.  Jane was then sent to a school where she wasn’t treated much better.  Finally, as an adult she get’s a post as a governess and that is where the love story begins.

The book is an easier read than Jane Austin’s and it has a sense of darkness and mystery to the story.  There are many twists and turns throughout the novel, and the author captured the emotions of the characters beautifully.

If you enjoy romance and mystery, then I strongly recommend this novel.  And what could be better than knowing it is a free download for Kindle from Amazon!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Maskerade by Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett - Maskerade
Maskerade is 18th book in the Discworld series written by Terry Pratchett.
The Blurb (back of the book):
The show must go on, as murder, music and mayhem run riot in the night…
The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork… a huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by a strangely-familiar evil mastermind in a hideously-deformed evening dress…
At least, he hopes so.  But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld’s most famous witch, is in the audience.  And she doesn’t hold with that sort of thing.
So there’s going to be trouble (but nevertheless a good evening’s entertainment with murders you can really hum…)
Prior Reading:
While not necessary, I would recommend reading enough of the prior novels to familiarize yourself with the disc-world.  I would especially recommend Wyrd Sisters and Witches Abroad so you can familiarize yourself with the characters Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg.
I wouldn’t recommend this book for younger readers.  Firstly, there are some skill-fully phrased references of an adult nature.  I would say that if you are old enough to catch it you will be old enough to read it, and it leaves A LOT to the imagination, but the book may result in some awkward questions from those who are not old enough to catch it.  Let’s give it a 16 rating, and an 18 rating in extremely conservative circles.
There are witches involved.  Unlike the Harry Potter witches, these witches tend to natural means to solve the people’s problems.  For example, Granny Weatherwax gave a villager a “potion” for the knots in his back, then clicked his back in one swift manoeuvre and told him to put a pine board under his mattress.  The “potion” was only there because the villager expected to be given a potion for his back.  These witches are able to delve into the occult, but they only do it as a last resort.  I see these witches in the same light as those in Disney Movies.  If you are OK with witches in Disney Movies, these shouldn’t cause any concern, but they are there.
A very brief mention of a “House of Ill Repute” (the authors exact words) were the witches took lodging.
Please keep in mind, while reading the book, it is completely, 100% fantasy, the same way that The Lord of The Rings is fantasy, this is just a whole lot funnier (and shorter).
My Thoughts on the First 70 pages:
  • Skill-fully worded adult humour – I laughed more at how skill-fully it was phrased than at the subject.
  • Be prepared to learn new words and experience a medium to higher grade British wit.
  • This appears to be based on The Phantom of the Opera – in a Discworld way.
  • Brilliant character portrayal (and stereotype portrayal).  I can see the characters in my mind as I am reading this.
My Thoughts on the rest of the book:
  • Exactly my sort of humour, and I loved reading it.
  • Brilliant way of writing, It feels like I was watching a movie in my mind as I read it.  The descriptions are worded wonderfully and in no way boring or drawn out, in fact the descriptions were the humour.
  • The story was enjoyable too.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Welcome to my library.  This blog is dedicated to the book I read.  I’ll post a book review, my thoughts, other people’s thoughts, a summary and whether it is worthy to stay on my bookshelf.  A new post will become available whenever I finish reading a book.  I’ll never post a review of a book I haven’t read personally.  To that you have my guarantee.