Yesterday I bought a laptop. It
came with Windows 7 Starter Edition, which is a really limited version
of Windows 7, I couldn't even change the background of my desktop. I
was already planning on putting Ubuntu
on the laptop, but I wasn't sure if I was going to dual-boot (run 2
operating systems for those who are not geeks) or remove Windows
completely and put Ubuntu only on the system.
when I saw that the supplier had installed Windows 7 Starter without
giving me the option of any other Operating System, but also partitioned
(separated) the hard drive into 2 parts (one for the OS and one for
Data - I hate that). I decided I was going to run Ubuntu exclusively.
downloaded the install and a little application to turn my flash drive
(pen stick) into an install disk. Plugged it into my laptop and presto,
the PC picked it up and asked me how I wanted to proceed.
chose the option of completely removing Windows, and the partitions on
my hard drive, then I just filled in my information, hit the continue
button a few times and within 20 minutes I had a fully functioning
Ubuntu notebook.
up my 3G Internet connection was even simpler than it was on Windows. I
didn't have to install any software. I just plugged in the 3G stick,
clicked on the connect option and off I went.
is more, is that Ubuntu is completely free, and there is so much free
software so easily available. This strongly appeals to my rebel side
because I am against any organization which makes me feel as though I
have no other option but to buy their product. I like options.
So go to the Ubuntu website:
Take the tour, and perhaps consider it the next time you buy a PC. I strongly recommend.
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